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GFH GmbH has more than 10 years of experience in specialised machine building and since 2008, it offers a portfolio of laser micromachining workstations. The workstations are used for processing various materials and a range of applications including micro-drilling, micro-structuring, simultaneous five-axes-machining and a combination of a rotating, angled beam with CNC-movement for flexible adjustment of cut width. A focus of the development activities lies in the R&D of manufacturing processes and its transfer and realisation in innovative systems for machining. This includes hard- and software to control the beam and component movement and the development of efficient machining strategies for ablation, micro-structuring and precision drilling. GFH also runs a precision manufacturing department for small batch, prototype and serial production as well as feasibility studies and customer application demonstration. GFH has participated in several R&D projects Europe-wide as well as national and has extended its expertise with these projects. Currently, GFH is involved in three nationally funded projects researching the use of frequency-flexible ultrashort pulse lasers, the extension of system control functions integrating fast redundant optical axes and the ablation of sealing structures including online control.


Roswitha Giedl-Wagner

Anton Pauli

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This project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825246

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