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Ultrafast lasers offer a unique combination of flexibility, power, efficiency and beam quality to allow for the high precision processing of the smallest electronic materials. The kW-flexiburst laser unit can deliver flexibility and versatility in laser parameters to provide maximum precision and productivity of micro-machining of a number of materials present within one system.

kW-flexiburst partner, GFH, has a specific interest in the semiconductor electronic markets. Semiconductors are becoming progressively more complex with technology advancement and as a result, require much greater precision manufacturing. The kW-flexiburst lasers flexible system of high power and short laser pulses provides accurate manufacturing without heat generation in the surrounding material, allowing for complex high precision processing to be carried out on the smallest of materials

Electronics and Semi-conductors

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This project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825246

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