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The research within the project is split into 5 work packages.


Click the icons below to find out more 

Image by Shahadat Rahman

Work Package


Gigapico fronted systems

Lead by UBx, the overall aim of WP1 is to develop an innovative front-end delivering bursts of picosecond pulses at a tunable GHz repetition rate with moderate power to be further amplified up to the kW level in WP2 and WP3.

Image by Clyde He

Work Package


Development of Amplified Section to Boost seed front end to >300w and <800fs

Lead by SPR, the overall aim of WP2 is to develop the main amplifier section seeded by the output of an oscillator front end. As input seed source both the seed oscillator developed in WP1 and Spectra-Physics own seed oscillator will be investigated.

Image by Markus Spiske

Work Package


implementation of a thin-disk multipass booster delivering 1kw of output power

The overall aim of WP3, lead by USTUTT, is to implement a thin-disk multipass booster delivering an average output of power of up to 1 kW.

Image by Isis França

Work Package


demonstrator system optimisation, infrastructure, safety & control

Lead by GFH, the overall aim of WP4 is the provision of demonstrator systems for the utilisation of the high-power USP laser source in industrial applications.

Image by Rowan Lamb

Work Package


Demonstration of the kw-flexiburst laser in relevant applications

The overall aim of WP5, which is lead by DG, is to demonstrate and evaluate the potential of the kW-flexiburst USP laser in different industrial applications with respect to volume ablation rate (throughput in mm3/min, m2/h or holes/min), precision of topology and avoidance of debris, burrs and molten zones.

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This project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825246

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